Volná místa

Nabídka PhD. pozice pro studenty ze zahraničí

Evolution of terpenoid biosynthesis in insects

PhD position
Application deadline: 30 September 2024
Start date: early 2025


Terpenoid secondary metabolites are used by organisms for communication and defense, and the multitude of their biological activities is exploited by industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, or food and flavour. Our research group focuses, among others, on the chemical diversity, biological significance and biosynthesis of terpenoids produced by insects. In this project we address the question of evolutionary origin and functional properties of insect terpene synthases (TPS), the key enzymes responsible for the conversion of prenyl pyrophosphates into terpenes. Insect TPS are unrelated to their plant or microbial counterparts, and have evolved multiple times independently in different insect lineages. Our understanding remains limited in terms of their reaction mechanisms and structure-activity relationships. Within this PhD project, the doctoral candidate will functionally characterize a set of insect terpene synthases from different insect clades and define their common and idiosyncratic structural features acquired during their multiple independent origins.  

This PhD project is funded by the European MSCA Doctoral Network ‘ModBioTerp’ and the grant support for the broader research project is funded by Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports (2024-2027). The main supervisor is Dr. Robert Hanus (IOCB Prague) and a part of the project will be carried out in a partner laboratory within the ModBioTerp network. The monthly stipend includes 2690 EUR living allowance, 600 EUR mobility allowance, and 660 EUR family allowance (if applicable). The recruited PhD student must conform to the MSCA Mobility Rule: cannot have resided or carried out his/her main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately before their recruitment date. Students coming from Czech universities are not eligible for this position.

Interested candidates should contact the main supervisor Robert Hanus (robert.hanusinvalid-email-name@invalid-email-domainuochb.cas.cz) and/or Jitka Štáfková (jitka.stafkovainvalid-email-name@invalid-email-domainuochb.cas.cz).